Enshrouded Melodies of the Fire Update, Released
Enshrouded's second major update, "Melodies of the Mire", has now been released!

2 months ago, Keen Games, released their first major update to the game, Hollow Halls with new biomes etc. Now, on June 5th, 2024, the Enshrouded team have released the new Melodies of the Fire major update to the game, version, bringing new areas, new content, new features, improvements to existing features, and QOL (quality-of-life) changes, and more!
They've also released a cool update trailer to show off the update, unexpected!
Update Notes
So what changed? Here's a quick rundown:
- New area: The Blackmire (level 13-15)
- Player-Based Quest Progression for multiplayer
- Musical Instruments (craftable, play solo or with others)
- Vanity system (transmog equipment visuals)
- Permission settings for servers
- New Weapon Type: Dual-Wielded Daggers
- Combat Gameplay changes (class balancing)
- Player Progression / Equipment changes
- Building / Farming improvements
- Game world and enemies updates
- User interface and Text improvements
- Miscellaneous changes (gifting range, performance, optimization)
View all patch notes here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1203620/view/4176604868930473019
And to end off, here's the full update highlight video made by the Enshrouded team.
How to update Enshrouded dedicated server
If you're running your own private game server for Enshrouded, we've written a guide on how to update on both Linux and Windows.
If you have a rented game server from BerryByte, just give the server a restart from the game control panel and it'll automatically pull new updates/patches and applies it to your server for you – we've made it easy-peasy.
Want to start playing? Buy Enshrouded on Steam and rent an Enshrouded dedicated server from BerryByte to play with your friends/community!