7 Days to Die 1.0 Release: Console Discount, Major Updates and New Features

After over a decade in the making since December 2013, 7 Days to Die is finally exiting Early Access and becoming its first 1.0 fully-released title!
Release Trailer
The release arrived to players worldwide earlier today on July 25th, and brought various updates to the game, including:
New HD Character System

7 Days to Die 1.0 introduces an all-new HD Character System. Players can now customise their characters with detailed models and animations. The system includes a variety of presets and options for sex, race, faces, eyes, hairstyles, and facial hair.
Revamped Armor and Clothing System

The game now features a High Definition Armor and Clothing System. Players can find, craft, and upgrade armor with detailed visuals and animations. The system offers 16 unique armor sets, each providing specific bonuses when fully equipped. Clothing mods further improving customizability with new effects
Updated Animal Models

The animal models in the game have been overhauled to match the updated HD graphics of the zombies. This includes new models, animations, and a high-tech fur shader for a more realistic look. The current update includes deer, wolves, and mountain lions, with more animals to be added in future patches.
New Challenge System

The new Challenge System replaces the old tutorial and quest system, offering a structured yet flexible way for players to learn the game. With over 120 challenges spread across categories like survival, crafting, and combat, players can earn rewards and XP, similar to the old journal system.
Vehicle Overhaul

Existing vehicle models have been updated for better visual consistency and functionality. New vehicle mods allow for increased durability and visual customization making the driving experience way better and smoother. Notable updates include expanded seating options and armor mods for various vehicles.
Random World Generation Updates

The Random World Generation (RWG) system has been optimized for better performance and more detailed world creation. This update includes faster world creation times (over 4x more), improved urban layouts, and more diverse biomes.
New Zombie Variants and Updates

Version 1.0 introduces new zombie variants with unique outfits and improved models. This includes new skins and animations, designs, and more.
World Lighting Graphics Update
The game's lighting system has been significantly improved, offering more consistent and realistic visuals. This includes better shadow and ambient occlusion effects, enhancing the atmosphere of the game.
Additional Updates
- Over 75 New Points of Interest
- New Ambient Sounds, Particle Effects, And Updated Road Decals
- Twitch Integration Update
- Gamepad Improvements With Customizable Controls and Updated UI
These updates, along with various optimizations and bug fixes, make "7 Days to Die 1.0" a fresh exciting experience for both new and returning players. Dive into the updated world of Navezgane and explore all the new features and enhancements!
Want to Host Your Own 7 Days to Die Server?
If you're looking to host your own 7DTD server to play with friends 24/7, you can rent a 7 Days to Die dedicated server from BerryByte. With reliable performance and easy setup, we've got the easiest solution to play lag-free. Start your adventure today!